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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0293c40.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  155KB  |  451x373  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: grandstand | monitor | sky | vegetarianism | window
OCR: .EADING CAR LOANS IN THE LARGEST METRO AREAS Isr Telephon Region Institutixe [moths) Atlanta SouttiTtus Bank T.505 0 $242 404. 423-3435 Battimore tno FerealSatings 7.50 F0 200 40.332 -7000 Boston E.Trust 8.79 226 6 7-849-9700 Chicago Laleshoe NaticratBant 6.75 45 238 312.787.1 1900 Cleveland Herizons 8.50 80 20a 216-765 100 Dallat NthDalla BarTrust 7.50 2.4.387 21300 Demer Omnitanksbutheas: 6.90 308 303.773 1234 Detroit First State Bark 8.00 $203 313-775 5000 Honaton FiratlcantEanh 7.75 243 713.269.3411 Los Angeles CoThunity Eank 8.25 61 20u 818-577-1700 Mian SuniBareiMent 8.00 313 305 392.080 MeTopolitanFedera Bar 8.50 20 6:2-339.7276 New York City Ircanendancetaving 7.75 243 718-624-6620 N.Nelerse NalicralCommunity Bart 7.95 313 201-357-7000 Philadelphla Frankfo UTrist 8.00 244 215-831 1 ...